Aur býður nú uppá banka app þar sem þú getur fengið kort sem er bæði debet og kredit, Klíku þar sem þú heldur utan um kostnað með vinum, vildarkerfi þar sem þú safnar klinki og getur notað það í markaðstorginu sem er með allskonar tilboðum frá Vinum Aurs.
Til að virkja Aur appið skráir þú þig inn með rafrænum skilríkjum.
Í Aur appinu m.a hægt að:
- Stofna Aur reikning
- Fá Aur kort sem er bæði debet og kredit
- Sækja um Aur lán
- Aura á Auði
- Safna og nota klink
- Búið til hóp til þess að halda utan um kostnað hjá vinahópnum
- Sjá PIN númer á Aur kortinu
- Millifæra
- Dreifa í 5 mánuði færslum, ógreiddum reikningum og vörukaupum
- Greiða inn á kort
- Fylgjast með stöðu og færslum á Aur kortinu
- Fá sendar tilkynningar (e. notifications)
- Fá aðvaranir ef greiðsla tókst ekki, færsla fór á FIT eða ef eitthvað annað athugavert kemur upp
- Breyta heimild á Aur kortinu
- Frysta kortið
Aur now offers a banking app where users can opt in for a payment card, both debet and credit, Klíka where users can share and split expenses with friends, a loyalty system where users accumulate klink and use that klink in the klink marketplace which offers a wide variety of offers from Vinir Aurs.
To activate the Aur app users need to authenticate their user electronically with rafræn skilríki.
In the Aur app users can:
- Sign up for an Aur account
- Sign up for an Aur card
- Apply for an Aur loan
- Transfer money to Auður
- Create a Klíka to share expenses with groups
- See PIN number to their Aur card
- Execute bank transfers
- Split payments, bills and purchases to five payments
- Transfer funds to Aur account
- Monitor balance and transactions on Aur card
- Get notification
- Get alerts on unsuccesful payments, FIT costs or other issues
- Change credit limit on Aur card
- Freeze the Aur card
Aur loans
Aur consumer loans up to 1,000,000 ISK. Apply for instant loans ranging from 3 to 24 monthly repayments. Aur loans carry a fixed interest rate and payment fees. APR ranges from 14,25% to the legal maximum of 35% with the controlled interest set by the central bank of Iceland added.
Aur also provides short-term financing at Point-of-Sale for selected brands and partners.
Example of payout of 1,000,000 ISK. loan for 12 months. APR is 20.48% the total cost of the loan, including the principal and all applicable fees is 1,214,272 ISK.
Aur and its loan products are subject to Icelandic laws and regulations applicable to consumer loans. Aur is a subsidiary of Kvika bank which is registered with the Financial Supervisory Authority.